Thursday, November 7, 2024

Tag: Citizens United

If I Were the American Dictator

“The overall composition of Congress is not going to change much at all after the election. So, really, the only way to reboot America is to have a smart, benevolent dictator.”

It’s Time to Ignite a Political Revolution

It is time U.S. citizens join together and demand a political revolution. It is important to pick the right presidential candidate for the job.

Is JEB Defecting from the Plutocracy?

Bush is using his Citizens United soundbite as a stalking horse for his plutocrat donors' fondest dream, a new fully plutocratic Constitution.

Voters Can Now Weigh In On Citizens United

California voters will be able to vote for overturning Citizens United.

How Much ‘Free Speech’ Can You Buy?

Mega-rich families and the corporations they control have bought more than a million dollars' worth of "free" speech in this so called "democratic" election process. It's time we get Big Money out of our political system.

Staffing Up for Corruption

There was a new category of staffing added to Big Money in politics. Campaigns are now hiring “donor maintenance managers” as personal concierges to millionaire supporters—another example of plutocratic corruption of our democratic elections.

Bernie Seeks Supreme Court Nominees Willing to Overturn Citizens United

Americans no longer live in a democracy, but Bernie Sanders is determined to return political power back into the hands of the people. And he is starting by seeking out Supreme Court nominees who will overturn the Citizens United decision.

Non-Candidates for President

Corporations and billionaires are able to fund their favorite presidential hopeful campaigns in order to have their candidate repeatedly exposed to the U.S. people. The Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision has resulted in this unfair way of campaigning.

Should McDonald’s & Monsanto Have the Same Rights as People? A...

Five Years ago the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that corporations are people and have the same rights a person has. This has led to companies, like Monsanto and McDonalds, fighting against new laws in order to protect their businesses. Seem fair?

Kissing the Koch Ring

Corporate spending was bad in previous years, but wait until 2016 as it is set to corrupt the candidates and greatly diminish voter participation. This time around, the Koch machine will spend three times more than last year’s midterm elections.


Study finds black-colored plastic kitchen utensils, takeout containers may contain cancerous chemicals due to...

Researchers discovered everyday black plastic cooking utensils contain harmful flame retardants through current recycling processes.

10 ways to be prepared and grounded if Trump wins

It’s important we squarely face the possibility of a Trump victory and what we’d have to do about it. 

10 worst things about the Trump presidency

We cannot afford to forget just how terrible Trump’s time in the White House was for this nation.

Global alarm as Donald Trump’s re-election sparks fears for human rights and global stability

An in-depth look at the unprecedented concerns raised by Donald Trump’s re-election, from threats to democracy and civil rights in the U.S. to fears of escalated global instability.

What Trump might do in his second presidency and what it could mean for democracy

While the U.S. will not likely become a full blown authoritarian regime, it is certainly no longer a fully functioning democracy.