Sunday, June 16, 2024

Tag: climate change

World to cut emissions with or without Trump

Officials say future climate action will require farsightedness, political courage, intelligent regulations and getting corporations on board.

The elephant in the room that smells like natural gas

We need to show that where we’re currently heading isn’t where we want to be. We need to talk about natural gas.

The coming crisis for the world’s farmers

Any farmer can tell you it's hard work. Now imagine climate change – and no safety net.

Rare setback for the GOP assault on Obama-era regulations

President Trump has already signed 13 repeal measures since assuming office.

Conservative groups pushing Trump to exit Paris climate deal have taken...

The CO2 Coalition denies the evidence that humans are causing dangerous climate change and runs with the tag line “CO2 – Essential for Life.”

Trump’s bogus reason for bailing on the Paris Agreement

The administration’s lawyer thinks there might be legal ramifications if the U.S. stays in the Paris Climate Agreement but doesn’t cut emissions. No one who worked on the deal agrees.

Raising our paddles

Climate change threatens all of us, so we must all act together to stop this.

The global People’s Climate Marches were massive. Here’s what organizers have...

Pipeline fights, legal challenges and elections are driving the next phase of the climate resistance.

Kids suing Trump hope the courts step up on climate change

Congress and the White House aren't going to address the climate crisis anytime soon. Will judges?

Climate deniers in congress received over $80 million in dirty money

142 representatives and 38 senators have received a total of $82,882,725 from the coal, oil and gas industries.


Trump’s $48 billion corporate tax cut proposal exceeds annual K-12 education budget

The proposed reduction in the corporate tax rate from 21% to 15% would result in massive tax savings for the largest U.S. companies, benefiting wealthy shareholders while neglecting workers and public investments.

The Medicare Advantage Paradox: How private insurers cost taxpayers billions

Recent studies and reports from the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) reveal that MA overpayments have significantly burdened taxpayers.

Clarence Thomas faces fresh scrutiny over undisclosed luxury trips funded by billionaire

This has prompted renewed calls for his resignation and demands for stricter ethics reforms for the highest court in the land.

Russia’s war on Ukraine generates more emissions than 175 countries: $32 billion climate bill...

The first two years of Russia’s invasion resulted in greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to the annual emissions of 175 individual countries, further intensifying the global climate emergency.

Supreme Court upholds access to abortion pill

More than 6 million people have used mifepristone since 2000.