Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Tag: climate change

Pray With Your Feet

Civil disobedience to halt the assault by the oil and gas industry is an act of faith for retired Episcopal Bishop George Packard.

Dealing with Climate Change Deniers

“Whatever the source of an individual’s climate denial, the question is how those of us who aren’t experts can engage in constructive dialogue with deniers.”

BREAKING: President Obama Rejects Keystone XL

It is a huge day for environmental activism. The years of tireless hard work and activism against the controversial Keystone XL pipeline have paid off. President Obama has rejected the pipeline once and for all.

Hillary Clinton Voices Support for Federal Investigation of ExxonMobil

At a town hall meeting in New Hampshire, Hillary Clinton said that she is in support of the Department of Justice investigating ExxonMobil. Her stance: There is a lot of evidence that ExxonMobil purposefully mislead the American public on climate change.

Death by Fracking

One man-made process that could drive human species to possible extinguish is fracking. While Wall Street bankers and hedge fund managers are profiting from this cycle of destruction, humans are suffering.

Congress-backed Interstate Oil Commission Call Cops When Reporter Arrives to Ask...

When Steve Horn arrived at the Oklahoma City headquarters of the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission (IOGCC) for an interview, he was greeted by police—a tactic for the group's propensity for secrecy when it comes under scrutiny.

Will the US Catholic Church Divest from Fossil Fuels and Buy...

The pope is trying to get the word out to U.S. Catholics to do something practical about climate change. Will Pope Francis help move all Americans toward a greener and less dangerous future?

Sanders and Fellow Senators Urge President to End Alaskan Oil Drilling

Bernie Sanders along with 11 fellow senators sent a letter to President Obama urging him to cease Shell’s oil drilling in the Arctic. Because they believe there to be "utter hypocrisy in the current policy."

In Alaska, Theatrics of Obama’s Climate Agenda Don’t Measure Up to...

As the end of the Obama presidency nears, it's obvious that short term interests are favored over the very fate of the planet. The U.S. has become the world’s largest energy producer since he became president. Can you say hypocrisy?


Israel seizes Rafah crossing, cutting off Gaza’s last humanitarian lifeline amid famine crisis

This move effectively cuts off a critical humanitarian aid route to the enclave, where the majority of the population faces imminent famine due to ongoing conflict.

Oil companies contaminated a family farm. The courts and regulators let the drillers walk...

The oil and gas industry has reaped profits without ensuring there will be money to plug and clean up their wells.

Senator Sanders demands US withdraw military aid as Israel escalates attacks in Rafah

Amidst escalating violence in Rafah, Senator Bernie Sanders challenges the U.S. administration to cease military support for Israel, citing severe humanitarian risks and a potential large-scale tragedy.

‘They are starving,’ says doctor back from Gaza; world food program warns North in...

We get an update on conditions among the besieged and starving population of Gaza—including of children now suffering from the psychological effects of intense and prolonged trauma—from Dr. Walid Masoud.

New era of inequality: Billionaires pay less in taxes than the working class

Economist Gabriel Zucman's analysis reveals that for the first time, U.S. billionaires have a lower effective tax rate than working-class Americans, sparking a renewed debate on wealth tax.