Sunday, May 5, 2024

Tag: climate

Worldwide #RiseForClimate events kick off to demand action on crisis of...

"Climate change is the defining issue of our time," say's executive director. "It is a crisis of democracy, justice, and human rights."

5 ways communities are coping with climate anxiety

From action-oriented toolkits to talk therapy and meditation, these responses facilitate recovery, hope, and activism.

Half of Puerto Rico still in darkness, with no light in...

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers recently estimated complete power restoration by May, leaving 45 percent of the island’s 1.5 million electricity customers in the dark.

If Asia leads on climate, the world will follow

China and South Korea could be game changers on climate – and create a more peaceful region in the process.

Ahead of COP23 climate talks: 25,000 march demanding end to ‘era...

"We don't have time to play games of climate denial or greenwashing of dirty energy."

Government whistleblower sounds the alarm on villages threatened by climate change

A scientist looking for a way to help Alaska Natives whose villages are sinking was reassigned by the Trump administration to a job collecting royalty checks from fossil fuel companies.

Here’s one more good reason not to launch a nuclear war

“Even a conflict that doesn’t involve the United States can impact us and people around the world.”

Your personal consumption choices can’t save the planet: We have to...

To stave off disaster, we must transform the economic system driving climate change.

4 people every week were murdered while protecting the environment in...

The killings of land defenders are growing and spreading.

Our best shot at meeting Paris goals? Make energy public

A new report finds public ownership is the best way for cities and towns to meet renewable energy and efficiency targets.


Biden faces criticism over condemnation of pro-Palestinian campus protests

The president's portrayal of these protests as violent and lawless has not only stirred controversy, but may also deepen the rift between him and many progressive constituents.

A second Trump presidency: A blueprint for unprecedented executive power

Trump articulates a blueprint for an administration that could profoundly reshape the governance and global stance of the United States.

Arizona abortion rights face crucial test as Governor Hobbs repeals century-old ban

This legislative change, which has been long sought by advocates, sets the stage for a November ballot measure that could further secure abortion rights in Arizona.

Unveiling the titans of carbon: How 57 companies drive the global climate crisis

The quest to curb emissions becomes not just a matter of individual or national effort but a pressing need for accountability at the corporate level.

The distortion of campus protests over Gaza

Did the right weaponize antisemitism to distract from Israel's war?