Sunday, October 27, 2024

Tag: COP23

Respect existence or expect resistance

“It’s time that we take responsibility for our own lives … that we create a world which gives us the power to act, instead of hoping that other people will solve problems.”

There was progress at the Global Climate Summit. Now urgent action...

To create a climate-safe world doesn't simply require impressive targets for the next two decades – it requires urgent action in the next two years.

Oregon and Washington join 20 countries to phase out coal by...

"Phasing out coal power is good news for the climate, for our health and for our kids."

Trump’s climate COP-out and the movement it has unleashed

The U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Agreement is a catastrophe, but it has inspired a whirlwind of bottom-up climate activism.

Hundreds of protesters shut out as the Trump admin. gives fossil...

Representatives from fossil fuels companies were invited to speak on a panel alongside White House officials.

‘We are still in’: Sen. Markey & US lawmakers stage anti-Trump...

“We’re here to tell the world that Donald Trump does not represent the majority view in our country, that overwhelmingly people do believe that the planet is dangerously warming and that human activity is causing it and that we have to do something about it.”

People act where US fails on climate

If we are to have a livable future, we must act rapidly.

Jerry Brown lashes out at COP23 climate protesters: “Let’s put you...

Activists interrupted Brown at the U.N. climate conference calling to keep fossil fuels in the ground and pursue more radical solutions.

Ahead of COP23 climate talks: 25,000 march demanding end to ‘era...

"We don't have time to play games of climate denial or greenwashing of dirty energy."


What’s certain about results of the presidential election

While we don't know who the next president will be, some outcomes of the election can be foreseen.

How a 20th-century family planning agenda fueled the climate crisis

Broken child welfare policies have undermined political systems and destroyed the planetary ecosystem.

Netanyahu, Putin, and Trump: The three great threats to world peace and stability; all...

With the election on the horizon, America stands at a crossroads that will determine its fate going into the future.

New nuclear push latches on to climate change as reason for nuclear power

“The dirty secret is that nuclear power makes a substantial contribution to global warming. Nuclear power is actually a chain of highly energy-intense industrial processes.”

UN warns Gaza’s economic recovery could take 350 years under Israeli blockade

The UN warns that, should the blockade remain in place, GDP per capita will continue “to decline continuously and precipitously,” placing Gaza’s future in severe jeopardy.