Tag: Tesla
Tesla paid zero federal income tax in 2024 while GOP pushes...
Musk’s trillion-dollar company paid nothing in federal taxes while working Americans foot the bill.
Senators demand Tesla recalls after ‘alarming’ Reuters reporting
In a significant development, U.S. Senators urge Tesla to take responsibility for vehicle defects, highlighting a systemic issue within the electric vehicle industry.
Elon Musk: visionary or billionaire troll?
Elon Musk is exhibit A in building the case that billionaires should be abolished.
A perfect storm has Elon Musk paying $11 billion in tax
But that still isn't anything close to his fair tax share.
Musk’s and Bezos’s great escape
It’s understandable that the super wealthy might wish to escape the gravitational pull of the rest of us. But there’s really no escape.
Tesla delivers record number vehicles amid pandemic doubling third-quarter profits
Third quarter net profit was at $331 million making Tesla on course to turn an annual profit for the first time ever.
Tesla’s giant Australian battery saved consumers $35 million in four months
Tesla's big battery, which was designed to feed South Australia's unstable power grid, has changed the game.