Saturday, April 20, 2024

Tag: the 1 percent

Just 27 billionaires have spent $90 million to buy GOP Congress:...

"They're counting on that 'small' investment in anti-tax Republicans to save them billions in taxes," said Americans for Tax Fairness, which conducted the analysis.

The notion that white workers elected Trump is a myth that...

Trump didn’t win the working class. The Democrats lost it.

Stunning truths about the bloated safety net for the wealthy

It's not a game for the 200 million struggling Americans who depend on tax revenue for education and housing and health care. 

The absurd amount of entitlements that go to rich people

Wealthy Americans complain about ‘entitlements’ for the poor, but they keep collecting their own entitlements, to a degree that average Americans can only dream about.

Filling in the magic asterisk: The Republican tax reform proposal

We might want to tell Speaker Ryan to keep his magic asterisks and leave the tax rates for the rich alone.

Donald Trump against the world

The birth of a new nationalist world order

Stop tax breaks for the rich: create a new tax system...

It is time for us to speak out and do something about the tax breaks for the wealthy.


The Fourth Amendment is Not for Sale Act and the battle against government spying

The FANFSA, passed with a 219-199 vote, garnered support from both sides of the aisle, with 96 Democrats and 123 Republicans backing the bill.

Progressive International unveils database exposing global right-wing network threatening democracies

This database, which results from a year of meticulous research, exposes the mechanisms through which these forces erode democratic norms and foster geopolitical instability.

20 percent of common produce carry unhealthy levels of pesticides new report says

Of the 59 common produce items evaluated, popular produce like strawberries, green beans and potatoes posed the highest risks.

US diplomacy thwarts Palestinian UN membership amid claims of supporting statehood leaked cable shows

This diplomatic maneuvering seeks to avoid a U.S. veto, which would publicly align the country against Palestinian self-determination.

GOP attorneys general petition against EPA’s use of civil rights law for environmental justice

The petition, if successful, could have dire consequences for communities living near industrial sites.