A Constitutional crisis of immense proportions has descended upon our nation’s capitol

There is no question, but that this modern day dictator wants to take full control of this government and control the direction of this country with no one to challenge him. We cannot allow that to happen.


A Constitution crisis, a massive political war between the executive and the legislative branches of this government, has suddenly descended upon Washington D.C. and is spreading chaos and havoc across America.

This is not just a Constitutional crisis, it’s a full-blown war initiated by this president, Donald J. Trump, against the Congress with the intent of destroying its Constitutional powers of acting in its role as a check and balance against a co-equal branch when that is necessary.

For some time we have been hearing dire predictions that, if this government doesn’t radically change course and put an end to the massive political impasse that exists between Democrats and Republicans, this country will find itself in a Constitutional crisis. Unfortunately, that warning was not heeded and that crisis and the associated war is now upon us.

What exactly is a Constitutional crisis? One definition is that it’s “when two or more branches of the government have reached a point at which a continuing dispute over the interpretation of a law or a violation of a provision in the Constitution results in a stalemate that, seemingly, can’t be resolved.”

Anyone who doubts that we in America are in the midst of such a crisis just needs to take a good look at what’s happening between the president and Congress. House Democrats are trying to carry out their Constitutional responsibilities of oversight while Trump and Republicans in the Senate are blocking all their attempts to do so.

Democrats indicate that they are going to issue subpoenas and even contempt of Congress citations to witnesses who refuse to testify before House committees. Trump has indicated that he will block any such attempts by witnesses to testify, and that represents yet more obstruction of justice on his part. He is, once again, breaking the law.

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin has refused to provide Trump’s IRS tax returns to the House as called for by a 1924 law that says that, when requested by an appropriate House committee, the returns “shall” be provided and any responsible person who refuses to do so shall be subject to very severe penalties; heavy fines, or even prison time.

AG Barr has refused to furnish an unredacted Mueller report demanded by the House Judiciary committee and, in a special hearing, was given a citation for contempt of Congress. He, the chief law enforcement officer in America, has been flaunting the law of the land and now may pay a heavy price as a result.

So we have Trump, Mnuchin, Barr and others behind the scenes at the White House, refusing to adhere to existing law, thumbing their noses at the Constitution, and daring anyone to try to stop them.

Trump, if he was totally innocent of any wrongdoing, would not be in a state of hysteria and blocking everything Democrats are trying to do; and he would welcome opening up any part of the Mueller report. And then, if nothing that would implicate him was found, he would make the Democrats look like complete fools. But that’s not the case, he knows what he did, and he doesn’t want Congress to view certain documentation that would, in fact, implicate him in various nefarious actions.

Trump and his congressional servants are determined to hide the truth. They don’t want anyone to see that this president has broken any number of laws to hide the truth. But, while it may take some time, the truth will eventually prevail.

Who is going to win this war, those who are trying to carry out their Constitutional responsibilities or those who have chosen to refuse to uphold the oaths that they made when entering office? We don’t know yet who is going to come out on top in this standoff but, if it continues without any resolution, it could take down this entire government.

Trump and his chief obstructionist, Sen. Mitch McConnell, are announcing that “its all over” and “case closed” relative to the Mueller report findings; but that’s wishful thinking on their part. It won’t be long before Mueller and McGahn testify and what will come out has the potential to rock Washington D.C.

Mueller and McGahn, when they fully speak the truth and provide the complete details about Trump’s obstruction, will blow the roof off this investigation. It will send Trump and Barr into a state of panic, trying to find some way to escape the blow-back from the people of America that will surely follow

This is turning into a very dangerous situation. Trump is beginning to indicate that he may remain in power even if he loses the 2020 election. There is no question but that this modern day dictator wants to take full control of this government and control the direction of this country with no one to challenge him. We cannot allow that to happen.

It seems that some 39% or more Americans have apparently lost their senses, those that fully approve of Trump and what he is doing with absolutely no reservations. We have seen an increase in his approval rating since the Mueller report was made public. Why has this happened? It’s because Trump and Barr have done a masterful job of distorting what the report says – most Americans have not read the report and far too many of them believe what they are told by these two very accomplished liars and cover-up artists.

But their eyes will soon be opened when many of them they read the letter signed by more than 800former prosecutors, Republicans and Democrats, who have stated that, if any American had committed the crimes of obstruction that Trump has clearly done, they would have been indicted and would be facing prison time. Here is the letter.

Trump is hiding behind the office of the presidency for now but soon he will be exposed for the fraud he is. Think SDNY, the state of New York, Deutsche Bank and numerous other entities that will provide the evidence to take Trump down.

But their eyes will soon be opened when many of them they read the letter signed by more than 800former prosecutors, Republicans and Democrats, who have stated that, if any American had committed the crimes of obstruction that Trump has clearly done, they would have been indicted and would be facing prison time. Here is the letter.
Trump is hiding behind the office of the presidency for now but soon he will be exposed for the fraud he is. Think SDNY, the state of New York, Deutsche Bank and numerous other entities that will provide the evidence to take Trump down.

By his anti-American, anti-Constitutional actions Trump is attempting to usurp the authority of the Congress and its Constitutional powers. It won’t work and he is going to be stopped in his tracks.

Future historians will refer to this period in which we are living as one of the very darkest times in our nation’s history; one that nearly brought an end to our democracy; but one in which the Constitution prevailed against the forces of totalitarianism.


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