Friday, July 26, 2024

Stop the commercial seal hunts in Canada

This petition is closed.

Help protect rhinos from becoming extinct

This petition is closed.
Demonstration outside the U.S. Supreme Court to bring attention to reconsideration of the Citizens United v. FEC decision. February 23, 2012. Image credit: Diego M. Radzinschi/THE NATIONAL LAW JOURNAL.

Overturn Citizens United

This petition is closed.

End unregulated health care pricing

Sign the petition to end unregulated health care pricing.

Close tax loopholes for the rich

This petition is closed.

Raise the Minimum Wage to $15

This petition is closed.

Make renewable energy the future of California

Sign the petition and help make renewable energy the future of California.

Repeal North Carolina’s anti-LGBT law

Sign the petition to tell Governor Roy Cooper to repeal North Carolina's anti-LGBT law.