Sunday, June 16, 2024

Lobbyist for Dakota Access formerly led army’s “restore Iraqi oil” program

“The administration seems to be buying time to maintain the status quo and profits for fossil fuel investors.”

Big Pharma shares drop as Bernie Sanders launches Twitter attack

Eli Lilly and Novo Nordisk clearly care more about their profits than their patients. It’s time to end their greed.

How to contact the people who sent militarized police to Standing Rock

Have a question about the militarization of policing near Dakota Access pipeline construction? Here’s who to call, starting with Morton County Sheriff Kyle Kirchmeier.

The biggest house race of 2016: Teachout vs. Faso

Teachout could be a case study of how progressive populists can use a combination of policy detail and political jiu-jitsu to beat back right-wing attacks.

Walling them out, or walling us in?

Shall we wall off Canada, too?

1 million people ‘check in’ on Facebook to support Dakota Access Pipeline protesters

The Sacred Stone Camp told Snopes they are not behind the tactic but pointed out it was a “great way to express solidarity” with the pipeline protest.

Why police from 7 different states invaded a Standing Rock camp—and other questions

To clear the way for a pipeline, North Dakota invoked a measure reserved for state emergencies like natural disasters. That’s one answer.

CNN fires interim DNC chair for leaking debate questions to Clinton campaign

Brazile, who took over from Debbie Wasserman Schultz as DNC chair in July, has been exposed by Wikileaks for emailing debate questions to the Clinton campaign ahead of time.

Thanksgiving at Standing Rock

Too many of us whine and grieve that we are losing everything—but do nothing to stop it and just go along.

The next phase in Bernie’s revolution has already begun

The fight for Prop 61 in California could be a watershed moment in American health care.