Saturday, May 4, 2024

Help save the Andersoni Moose

Sign the petition to tell the USFWS to protect the Andersoni Moose.

End dark money

Sign the petition to require the disclosure of secret donors during political campaigns.

Tell the Norwegian government to halt all hunting on endangered wolves

Help us to tell the Norwegian government to end wolf hunts in Norway’s Wolf Zone and #SaveNorwegianWolves.

Ensure the U.S. meets its Paris climate commitments

Sign the petition to ensure the U.S. meets its Paris climate commitments.

Stop social media platforms from spreading hateful content

Tell social media platforms to stop the spread of hateful content online.

Encourage Congress to ban factory farms

It is time we fight back and support animal welfare, our environment, and what we put on our dinner plates!

Protect the bats from lethal wind turbines

Sign the petition to tell the AWEA to make these changes so that we can save 90 percent of the bats rather than just 30 percent.

Support stronger air pollution standards

This petition is closed.

Prevent cuts to important school lunch programs for poor children

Sign the petition to prevent cuts to important school lunch programs for poor children.

No #DAPL: Tell Congress to shut down the Dakota Access Pipeline

Tell Congress to shut down DAPL and restore tribal sovereignty, protect our waterways, and our climate.