Friday, July 26, 2024

Bring jobs back to the U.S.

This petition is closed.

End tiger poaching

This petition is closed.

Stop the illegal poaching of sea turtles

Sign the petition to stop the illegal poaching of sea turtles.
Demonstration outside the U.S. Supreme Court to bring attention to reconsideration of the Citizens United v. FEC decision. February 23, 2012. Image credit: Diego M. Radzinschi/THE NATIONAL LAW JOURNAL.

Overturn Citizens United

This petition is closed.

Tell Congress to pass the Secure 2100 Act

Tell Congress to protect and expand Social Security benefits.

Save the giraffe from extinction

This petition is closed.

Protect the bats from lethal wind turbines

Sign the petition to tell the AWEA to make these changes so that we can save 90 percent of the bats rather than just 30 percent.

Demand A/C in all postal trucks

Sign now and demand all mail carriers provide A/C to all delivery vehicles.

Help defend Vermont’s GMO labeling law

Sign this petition to help defend Vermont’s GMO labeling law.

Save the Renewable Fuel Standard

Sign the petition to tell the EPA to keep the Renewable Fuel Standard.