Support stronger air pollution standards
This petition is closed.
Stop the system of forced prison labor
Sign the petition to stop the system of forced prison labor.
Help save the Andersoni Moose
Sign the petition to tell the USFWS to protect the Andersoni Moose.
Demand routine testing of U.S. food for glyphosate
Sign the petition to demand routine testing of U.S. food for glyphosate.
Help defend Vermont’s GMO labeling law
Sign this petition to help defend Vermont’s GMO labeling law.
End the U.S. policy of perpetual war
Sign the petition to end the U.S. policy of perpetual war.
Save the Renewable Fuel Standard
Sign the petition to tell the EPA to keep the Renewable Fuel Standard.
Tell Home Depot and Lowe’s to stop selling Bayer-Monsanto’s Roundup Herbicides
Tell Home Deport and Lowe's to remove Roundup from store shelves and help protect both human and pollinators' health.
Tell Japan to stop commercial whaling for good
Please help us to tell Japan to rejoin the IWC and cease commercial whaling for good.
Save the Irrawaddy dolphin from extinction
Sign the petition to save the Irrawaddy dolphin from extinction.