Saturday, April 20, 2024

Lower the polling requirement blocking third parties from presidential debates

Sign the petition to lower the polling requirement blocking third parties from presidential debates.

Raise the Minimum Wage to $15

This petition is closed.

Prevent cuts to important school lunch programs for poor children

Sign the petition to prevent cuts to important school lunch programs for poor children.

Tell Japan to stop commercial whaling for good

Please help us to tell Japan to rejoin the IWC and cease commercial whaling for good.

Help defend Vermont’s GMO labeling law

Sign this petition to help defend Vermont’s GMO labeling law.

Help protect rhinos from becoming extinct

This petition is closed.

Save the Renewable Fuel Standard

Sign the petition to tell the EPA to keep the Renewable Fuel Standard.

Ban plastic kitchenware

This petition is closed.

Make tax return disclosure a requirement for presidential elections

Sign the petition to make tax return disclosure a requirement for presidential elections.

Make renewable energy the future of California

Sign the petition and help make renewable energy the future of California.