Saturday, June 15, 2024

Affordable Care Act - search results

If you're not happy with the results, please do another search

What you don’t have and why

How might the United States be different today if, a century ago, the leadership of this country had not acted both so ruthlessly and in such an eerily Trumpian way?

The freedom to freeze

In Texas, tycoons are the only winners from climate change. Everyone else is losing badly.

Pandemic profiteers: Hospitals sued patients over medical debt while getting billions in relief aid

“There’s a lot of talk in our healthcare system about putting patients first, … but this is not doing that.”

Yes, protest can influence the Supreme Court

Time and again, history has shown that the Supreme Court does, in fact, respond to the court of public opinion.

‘The status quo is not sustainable:’ How Medicare for All would fill gaps in...

More than 100 Democratic lawmakers co-sponsored a House bill last month to dramatically revamp healthcare in the United States by creating a Medicare-for-All system funded by the federal government.

Budget chair Sanders dares GOP to criticize him for using reconciliation to ‘protect ordinary...

"You did it, we're gonna do it, but we're gonna do it to protect ordinary people, not just the rich and the powerful."

‘The filibuster functions as a general block on all legislation’

To help us understand the filibuster and the role it’s playing now, Andrew Perez, who covers money and influence as senior editor and reporter at the Daily Poster, explains it in great detail.

What you need to know about the GOP takeover of the Supreme Court

We must see the GOP’s exercise of raw power for what it is and meet it with even greater force.

What the American Rescue Plan says about President Biden’s health care priorities – and...

Indeed, for his first big move on health policy, Biden is strengthening private insurance.

Supreme Court ruling denounced as ‘dangerous and serious’ attack on women’s right to contraceptive...

“No employer is welcome into the exam room when I talk to patients about their contraception options, why should they be able to dictate the method from their corner office?” asked one physician.


The Medicare Advantage Paradox: How private insurers cost taxpayers billions

Recent studies and reports from the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) reveal that MA overpayments have significantly burdened taxpayers.

Clarence Thomas faces fresh scrutiny over undisclosed luxury trips funded by billionaire

This has prompted renewed calls for his resignation and demands for stricter ethics reforms for the highest court in the land.

Trump’s $48 billion corporate tax cut proposal exceeds annual K-12 education budget

The proposed reduction in the corporate tax rate from 21% to 15% would result in massive tax savings for the largest U.S. companies, benefiting wealthy shareholders while neglecting workers and public investments.

Russia’s war on Ukraine generates more emissions than 175 countries: $32 billion climate bill...

The first two years of Russia’s invasion resulted in greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to the annual emissions of 175 individual countries, further intensifying the global climate emergency.

Navigating the energy transition: Renewables abound, but grid challenges loom

Renewable energy doesn’t matter if we can’t distribute it.