Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Tag: Donald Trump

Trump falsely claims he created thousands of new jobs, and news...

When Trump doesn’t tell the truth, say so in your headline.

Donald Trump’s new nuclear instability

Donald Trump's finger on the nuclear trigger is a terrifying prospect.

Get ready for an all-out assault on social security by Washington...

It is a critical time for this organizing to begin because the attack on Social Security promises to be rapid and brutal.

My wishes for Obama’s parting shots

In the waning days of his administration, I’d recommend Obama take the following last stands.

Trump’s EPA pick rouses suspicions over ties to Koch Brothers

Trump's appointment of Pruitt was met with unprecedented criticism by environmental and health organizations nationwide, being described as a "puppet" of the fossil fuel industry.

It can‘t happen here?

This Neo-Con globalization has destroyed what the politicians from both empire political parties like to label ‘The Middle Class.’

Trump’s treasury pick excelled at kicking elderly people out of their...

When Steven Mnuchin ran OneWest, the bank aggressively and in some cases, wrongly, foreclosed on elderly homeowners with reverse mortgages. The bank had a disproportionate share of such foreclosures.

Standing Rock prepared us for Trump’s billionaires and oil giants

Continuing to shrink our oil consumption is one way to challenge the oil uber alles mentality of the Trump administration.

In the time of Trump, all we have is each other

We will endure by holding fast to our integrity, by building community and by spawning new institutions in the midst of the wreckage. We will sustain each other.

Donald Trump is demanding the names of federal employees working to...

Stop me if you’ve heard this before.


IDF issues evacuation order to 100,000 in Rafah as looming assault sparks fear of...

Israel Defense Forces order more than 100,000 Palestinians to evacuate Rafah ahead of an impending military offensive, despite warnings of humanitarian catastrophe.

Brand loyalties dominate our life choices – but party brands are hardly created equal

Sorry, but a convicted scoundrel struggling to stay out of jail only to become a fascist commando sounds like a miracle way to lose.

New era of inequality: Billionaires pay less in taxes than the working class

Economist Gabriel Zucman's analysis reveals that for the first time, U.S. billionaires have a lower effective tax rate than working-class Americans, sparking a renewed debate on wealth tax.

“Full-Blown Famine” ravages northern Gaza, U.N. official declares amid prolonged conflict

Nearly seven months into the Gaza conflict, the World Food Program warns of a spreading famine in the north, intensifying humanitarian crises despite increased aid efforts.

Arizona abortion rights face crucial test as Governor Hobbs repeals century-old ban

This legislative change, which has been long sought by advocates, sets the stage for a November ballot measure that could further secure abortion rights in Arizona.