Tag: earth
2018 wasn’t a completely horrible year for the environment
There were bright spots and victories among the attacks on biodiversity, climate and public health.
How Native and white communities make alliances to protect the earth
Tribal nations have always been on the front lines of environmental protection. Now their neighbors are catching up.
El Niño likely to impact global weather in 2019
El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) naturally occur every two to seven years and impacts global weather patterns, usually causing a rise in temperatures.
Ending pollution requires a major change in attitudes
Its up to us, each and every one of us to consciously live in an environmentally responsible manner.
3 Reasons to be hopeful about our planet in 2018
We've got a lot to do to protect our planet, but here is what to be hopeful for this year.
How much does climate change cost? Try $1.5 billion (and counting)
There are two choices: spend money on trying to reduce the problem or spend money on cleaning up the catastrophes.
25 percent of the earth could see a permanent drought by...
If Earth’s temperature goes up by 2 degrees Celsius by 2050, more than 25 percent of the world would live in a state of drought.
Let’s make 2018 a better time, not the end of time
We have the capacity for wonders as well as horrors. We have the ability to create as well as to destroy.
We have now consumed more resources so far this year than...
We’ll use 1.7 Earths’ worth of resources this year. Can six pledges make a difference?
Solar Power in Space Parallels that on Earth and Competes with...
Major breakthroughs have been happening with the use of solar and other benign sources of power in space. The situation parallels that on Earth as solar and wind power and other clean, safe technologies compete with fossil fuels.