Tag: emissions
eWeek highlights digitalization’s growing environmental footprint
The digital transformation the world has seen is causing raw material depletion, an increase in water and energy use, and more pollution and waste, the speakers said.
Meat and dairy alternatives could cut food system emissions by 31%,...
How realistic is it to expect people around the world to reduce their meat and dairy consumption by half?
Research expedition discovers extensive emissions of methane from bottom of Baltic...
The research project aimed "to expand knowledge about methane and its sources and sinks in the oxygen-free environments in the deeper parts of the Baltic Sea."
US responsible for one-third of global oil and gas expansion
While the U.S. is the frontrunner when it comes to the size of new oil and gas plans, Canada, Russia, Iran, China, Brazil and United Arab Emirates are consecutive on the list.
Department of Agriculture approves first cultivated meat for sale in US
Cultured meat will Initially be used in two restaurants.
Maryland opens largest transit bus charging station
"The transportation infrastructure of tomorrow is up and running today in Montgomery County."
Fossil fuel companies push emissions to pre-pandemic levels
“Emissions snapped back like a rubber band.”
How a fossil fuel non-proliferation treaty can guide a global just...
“This treaty talks about ending fossil fuel expansion, phasing out, and also just transition.”
Biden admin’s new methane regulations not enough according to environmentalists
“Climate justice during a climate emergency means using every tool in the toolbox including not just a stronger rule, but also declaring a National Emergency on climate change.”
Top 5 meat and dairy companies match Exxon in greenhouse gas...
“We are talking about a lack of political will to steer or transition the agricultural sector into a climate-friendly and biodiversity-friendly direction.”