Tag: empire
The world’s four legacy empires going down
In a future full of signs that the four empires that have long dominated our world are all crumbling.
Political collapse: Lessons from fallen empires
Our investigation of the disastrous society-wide collapses of four pre-modern polities, China’s Ming Dynasty, the South Asian Mughal Empire, the High Roman Empire, and Renaissance Venice led to the discovery of an unexpected historical pattern.
Empire decline and costly delusions
Historically, declining empires often provoke denials and delusions that teach their people “hard lessons” and impose on them “hard choices.” That is where we are now.
Bin Laden and Trump: Two bookends to America’s imperial decline
The U.S. now is a very sick empire, faced abroad by powerful challenges to its hegemony, eroded by economic stagnation, shorn of ideological legitimacy, and torn apart internally by a civil war in all but name.
Sanctions backfire: US is being left behind
At present, the United States is waging an economic World War targeting much of the world economy, including allies who refuse to comply with U.S. mandates.
Trump era: ‘There is great disorder under the sky, so the...
The chaos of the Trump era is an opportunity for positive political change.
The Empire’s Final Frontier: Re-Colonize the Homeland
America, after a 225-year experiment with relative freedom, is morphing back into a grim colony. "The empire" has no king, no permanent kingpin, nor evinces widespread controls over all sorts of majority behavior.
Malcolm X Was Right About America
We are the nation Malcolm X knew us to be and our "refusal to face the truth about empire" has created the nightmare Malcolm predicted. Did he better understand the inner workings of the empire?