Tag: herbicide
California pesticide regulators links herbicide paraquat to risks to wildlife, human...
Paraquat, which has been linked to a range of diseases, is banned in more than 70 countries.
EPA sued for approving toxic herbicides with Agent Orange chemical
The herbicides were re-registered by the EPA without full consideration of the risks or consultation with wildlife agencies—the experts—as the Endangered Species Act requires.
US Court of Appeals overturns EPA’s decision that glyphosate is safe...
Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto-Bayer’s pesticide, is the most widely used pesticide in the world.
Bayer to pull glyphosate products, including Roundup, from US home and...
Bayer's decision comes in response to the many lawsuits related to glyphosate that it inherited when it acquired Monsanto in 2018.
Exposure to common herbicide potentially harms endangered species
“Finally the EPA has been forced to acknowledge atrazine’s far-reaching harms.”
EPA approves use of herbicides linked to cancer and crop cross...
Dicamba, the main ingredient in the three herbicides, is "highly volatile and can easily drift onto unprotected neighboring fields from fields of crops genetically engineered to withstand it."
Lawsuit accuses Monsanto of causing man’s cancer diagnosis
“Plaintiff’s injuries, like those striking thousands of similarly situated victims across the country, were foreseeable and avoidable.”
Former Monsanto CEO must testify at Roundup cancer trial
Bayer, and Monsanto, still continue to claim their products’ safety even though the company has not been successful in convincing a jury yet.
Putting ‘health of all species’ in danger, Trump EPA proposal guts...
“With Trump's EPA reversing even the most commonsense protections, our health, and the health of all species, is in serious danger.”
Jury finds Monsanto guilty in first Roundup cancer trial, plaintiff to...
A first of it's kind to go to trail, the case was brought against Monsanto by Johnson, 46, a former pest control manager for a California country school system, who was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.