Sunday, October 27, 2024

Tag: Japan

ICAN celebrates Nobel Peace Prize winner and heeds call to abolish...

ICAN calls on the countries who have yet to join the TPNW to reject nuclear weapons and join in the motto, “No more Hibakusha.”

Earthquake in Japan kills 55 people

The earthquake was categorized as the deadliest in the country since 2016.

China bans seafood imports from Japan after release of Fukushima wastewater...

The Chinese customs bureau said the immediate ban was put in place to prevent “the risk of radioactive contamination of food safety caused by Japan’s Fukushima nuclear contaminated water discharge.”

Japan to release wastewater from Fukushima nuclear plant into Pacific Ocean

PM Fumio Kishida insisted that the water release “is absolutely not something we can put off if we want to decommission the Fukushima nuclear plant and revive the area."

Governments of California and Japan announce new collaboration to clean up...

The U.S.-Japan Competitiveness and Resilience Partnership will make “common and concrete efforts to decarbonize operations.”

The collapse of the East Asian order

With Japan and South Korea in the middle of a feud, East Asia is on the verge of a serious unraveling.

Did the US really intend to destroy the Soviet Union with...

74 years ago by the United States dropped the only two atomic bombs exploded in war on cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki....

‘Blatant disregard of international laws and treaties’: Japan resumes commercial whaling

"We see the resumption of Japan's commercial whaling as merely a continuation of the Japanese Government's blatant disregard of international laws and treaties."

Otter cafés and ‘cute pets craze’ fuel illegal trafficking in Japan...

A new documentary film has been released that shines a spotlight on the illegal trade in the Asian small-clawed otter, a species listed as vulnerable and in decline by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature.

Ground zero Nagasaki

It’s essential for us to remember such grim details, not just for the sake of history, but for our future.


What’s certain about results of the presidential election

While we don't know who the next president will be, some outcomes of the election can be foreseen.

How a 20th-century family planning agenda fueled the climate crisis

Broken child welfare policies have undermined political systems and destroyed the planetary ecosystem.

Netanyahu, Putin, and Trump: The three great threats to world peace and stability; all...

With the election on the horizon, America stands at a crossroads that will determine its fate going into the future.

New nuclear push latches on to climate change as reason for nuclear power

“The dirty secret is that nuclear power makes a substantial contribution to global warming. Nuclear power is actually a chain of highly energy-intense industrial processes.”

UN warns Gaza’s economic recovery could take 350 years under Israeli blockade

The UN warns that, should the blockade remain in place, GDP per capita will continue “to decline continuously and precipitously,” placing Gaza’s future in severe jeopardy.