Tag: land
How US activists are infiltrating Israeli events selling Palestinian land
Other forms of pressure need to be brought to bear on Israeli realtors who seek to benefit from the illegal annexation of Palestinian land.
Forests thrive when Indigenous people have legal stewardship of their land
The fate of intact forests is closely linked to that of Indigenous peoples.
Food at risk as third of plants face extinction
“Extinction is forever, which is a loss not only in terms of their evolution and persistence on the planet, but also a loss to the future of our food.”
Can Native American tribes protect their land if they’re not recognized...
State laws and policies in California have made some progress possible, but many tribes still lack legal recognition and struggle to maintain their cultural heritage and the environment.
Why Native Americans struggle to protect their sacred places
While Congress created the American Indian Religious Freedom Act to provide “access to sacred sites,” it has been open to interpretation.
5 ways Indigenous groups are fighting back against land seizures
While no measure can guarantee land security, these actions have helped communities protect their homes.