Tag: Speaker of the House
Elon Musk for Speaker of the House? Republicans float billionaire amid...
Republicans propose Elon Musk as Speaker of the House after his role in sinking a spending bill, raising unprecedented ethical and governance concerns.
Congress divided on funding wars
But it's also united on a false linkage between Russia and Hamas.
Paul Ryan was a villain and no one will miss him
The outgoing House speaker’s entire career was a cash grab for billionaires, capped off by a low trick to literally starve children.
The race to replace Paul Ryan says everything about party politics...
With Ryan out, Paul Nehlen, an open white supremacist, is the leading Republican, while Randy Bryce, a progressive populist, is running as a Democrat.
My Pick for the Next Speaker of the US House
While the Speaker of the House doesn't actually have to be a member of Congress, why don't we choose someone like a kindergarten teacher, a minimum-wage worker, or organic farmer to run the show? They might be exactly who is needed.
Hunting Hillary: Dim Speaker-to-Be Reveals Select Committee’s Partisan Goal
As the Republican-controlled House revealed yet another committee to investigate Benghazi, is this their way of "hurting Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign?"
Former House Speaker Charged with Concealing Blackmail Payments
Dennis Hastert, former House Speaker, was indicted for covering up large bank transactions and lying to the FBI. Forced to cover up past misconduct through blackmail payments, is Hastert squeaky clean reputation now tainted?