Monday, September 16, 2024

Tag: teachers

Students as teachers

Facing the world adults are wrecking.

Special needs school fires educators for mocking autistic child on audio...

Instead of expressing a modicum of compassion for the special needs student, his teacher and a teacher’s aide incessantly derided the boy and his condition with open disdain.

Striking West Virginia teachers revive a proud labor heritage

After nine days on strike, the teachers won!

Victory in West Virginia – teachers’ strike succeeds

West Virginia's fight isn't over though.

High school students

So what was it about the Parkland killings that tipped the scale? This is among the questions we teachers have been asking one another at school recently.

Ohio teachers win back regular raises

Preparation, communication, and unity were the keys to their success.

Teachers and Black Lives Matter Activists Partner Up

“How do we amplify each other’s message and work together to target the oligarchs that fill the politicians’ war chest?”

The War on Mexico’s Teachers

The demonization of teachers and the idea that making a profit is more important than ensuring that all citizens have the right to a public education offers just one more example of how morally bankrupt the philosophy of neo-liberalism has become.

We Won’t Improve Education By Making Teachers Hate Their Jobs

Students test scores and VAM-based teacher evaluations give false reassurance and end up making teachers miserable.

Solidarity Pours in for Birmingham Teachers Striking to Defend Victimised Union...

One teacher joined the NUT the day before the strike so they could join the action. Another filled out their NUT membership form on the picket line.


New study finds personal care products cause development disruptions in children

The study linked endocrine disruptors, which "mimic, block or interfere with the body’s own hormones," and disruptions in children "during key developmental moments,"

Trump, the felon, has been making a complete fool out of the US court...

The political destruction of Trump who, as a candidate for president is the greatest insult to our democracy and our Constitution and to the U.S. court system that has constantly bent to him and given him one free pass after another.

Putin warns of NATO involvement as US weighs letting Ukraine use long-range missiles in...

Putin’s warning came as reports surfaced suggesting that U.S. President Joe Biden is considering allowing Ukraine to use long-range missiles against Russian targets, marking a dangerous new phase in the two-and-a-half-year war.

Corporate greed exposed: Kroger admits to price gouging on milk and eggs amid antitrust...

A top Kroger executive admits to inflating milk and egg prices above the rate of inflation

Democrats push groundbreaking bill to make Big Oil pay for climate crisis

The Polluters Pay Climate Fund Act would require major fossil fuel companies to pay into a damages fund, modeled after the Superfund, to help mitigate the harm caused by their contributions to global warming.