Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Tag: The New York Times

New York Times reviews reporter’s ‘likes’ on post advocating Gaza ‘slaughterhouse

Amidst ethical scrutiny, The New York Times delves into the actions of a freelancer whose social media activity casts shadows on journalistic neutrality in conflict coverage.

Setting the historical record straight for the critics of the New...

Four hundred years after the event, the New York Times has published a special project focusing on the first Africans arriving in 1619...

Behind the media surge against Bernie Sanders

Like it or not, the battle over the future of the Democratic Party – including what kind of presidential nominee the party should have in 2020 – is already underway.

Too little, too late: Weeks after election, media see Trump’s conflicts,...

The media mostly missed this pressing story once during the campaign. They can’t afford to overlook it a second time.

Trumping The Times

Fear and servility in midtown Manhattan.

Vendetta or Paranoia? The ‘Times,’ the ‘Beast’ and the Clintons

It's time to discuss the New York Times and the Clintons. Is it wrong to skew the discussion of alleged Times bias against the Clintons as Pulitzer-winning Times editors and staffers versus "diehard Clinton loyalists" and "allies?"

Cold-War-Style Propaganda Posing as News at the New York Times

The Times has written a lot of verbiage about the controversial Keystone XL pipeline along with being a shameless promoter of war. Have we reached a nadir in journalism here in the U.S.?


Trump signs executive order targeting birthright citizenship: Legal and humanitarian concerns arise

Trump targets a cornerstone of U.S. citizenship in first-day executive order.

Takeover by rogue secessionist from within—fortress America nibbled to death by ruthless ducks

What the rebellious confederacy could not pull off with violence, today’s nefarious secession depends on legalistic, electoral and political trappings.

Nationwide protests erupt against Trump’s inauguration amid fears of far-right agenda

Nationwide protests amplify voices against policies threatening marginalized communities.

American troops as migrants

What the MAGA crowd don’t recognize: the troops they plan to rely on to carry out the deportations of potentially millions of people are, in their own way, also migrants.

Progressive news investigation: Legal challenges emerge as Trump’s DOGE faces transparency scrutiny

Legal challenges erupt over Trump’s advisory panel as transparency and fairness come under scrutiny.