Tag: UK
What the failure of Liz Truss’s economic agenda in the UK...
Britain’s rejection of Liz Truss’s trickle-down economics ought to serve as a warning to the United States, where midterm elections are about to commence.
UK: Fragmentation and decline under conservative rule
Beyond the madness of the Queen's funeral etc.
Supermarket food in the UK could soon have eco-labels
“The tool could help us by ensuring that as we are developing new recipes there is a delicious option for someone who is actively looking to reduce their environmental impact through what they eat.”
Poverty division democratic destruction: The Johnson legacy
In many ways Johnson and the toxic brand of Conservatism he represents is a product of the age, The Age of Populism, which has infected many democracies.
Fossil fuel giants seek billions from European countries under secretive treaty
"It is literally insane that the global fossil fuel phase-out is being actively sabotaged by antiquated treaties and corporate greed," said one critic.
Wagging the dog? America and the UK respond to the crisis...
Likely the best way to understand the reaction of the U.S., UK and other English speaking countries to the latest ‘crisis’ in the Ukraine is that there is, as always, plenty of money to be made out of it.
How an undercover cop set back a climate movement
There had to have been some who were suspicious of Mark ‘Flash’ Stone when he first joined UK activists fighting climate change...
Johnson does Downing Street: Booze, lies and playacting
Johnson is part of a privileged cozy class (Eton to Oxbridge to Whitehall) that feels themselves exempt from moral duties, social obligations and legal restrictions.
‘Twisting words’: UK oil industry and business department using Climate Change...
Oil & Gas UK and the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy have been taking the CCC’s advice “out of context” when discussing new North Sea projects, say campaigners.
How politicians and lobby groups tried—and failed—to co-opt legitimate concerns over...
Alongside the broad church of earnest opposition, disparate political interests adopted a series of talking points against the schemes for their own gain.