Sunday, May 12, 2024

Tag: Ukraine

Why use the Ukraine to impeach Trump when you’ve got the...

In any event, it’s not too late to add the Hatch Act and Emoluments Clause issues if the Ukrainian case looks weak.

Extorting Ukraine is bad enough

Recently a friend who follows the news a bit less obsessively than I do said, “I thought George W. Bush was bad,...

Trump’s Ukraine call raises questions about campaign finance rules on foreign...

President Donald Trump acknowledged this weekend that he discussed former Vice President  Joe Biden and his son during a July phone call with Ukraine’s...

Ukraine: Why ‘OU’ lost by a landslide

Ukraine is sick of corruption. Adding to Poroshenko’s corruption, the U.S. brought more corruption.

US staged a coup in Ukraine – here’s why and how

The truth about the coup in Ukraine is that it hasn’t benefited anyone other than the warmongers.

Faulty intelligence? The curious case of the murdered journalist who wasn’t

There is no question that journalists in Russia (and, for that matter, Ukraine) are under threat.

Libya, Syria, Ukraine – one script, three stories

The fundamental ploy in Libya, Syria and Ukraine was the same: rile up the population and then stage a coup in the midst of chaos, while claiming to liberate the people.

As US coal exports swell, Trump admin facilitates major deal with...

The Trump administration recently helped broker a major coal export deal between Pennsylvania-based coal production company Xcoal Energy and Ukranian company Centrenergo PJSC. 

Watch Trump Try to Talk About His Thoughts on Foreign Policy

Trump appears to be ignorant of the ongoing situation in the Ukraine and Russia's involvement in the international conflict.

10 Ways to Wage Wars

“George Orwell warned us that the war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous. Americans need to aggressively question their politicians and the media, ignore empty slogans, challenge warmongering propaganda, and swiftly reject disinformation from the corporate media.”


Iceland opens biggest operational CO2 plant in the world

The plant, named Mammoth, is the second commercial facility opened by the company to aid in the reduction of fossil fuel emissions to combat the effects of climate change.

War culture hates the ethical passion of the young

Young people have dared to lead the way, insisting that such a culture of death is repugnant and completely unacceptable.

NYC’s Riders Alliance has a vision for a better, safer subway with less policing

A Q&A on how the alliance is organizing riders for new community investments and how they’re pushing back against regressive narratives about public safety in the city and state.

Europe braces for the next Ukraine

If both the European Union and the United States—increasingly dominated by far-right politicians—allow Bosnia to fall apart, that will send a strong signal to Russia about the likely fate of Ukraine.

New reports highlight urgency to shield Medicare and Social Security from GOP cuts

Recent government trustee reports underscore the vitality of Medicare and Social Security, sparking a fierce debate over the future of these programs under potential Republican governance.