Friday, February 7, 2025

Tag: war crime

Inside ‘Israel’s Guantánamo’: Doctor exposes torture and war crimes at Gazan...

The physician chronicles a distressing array of human rights violations that he claims are being perpetrated against detainees, many of whom are civilians ranging from teenagers to elderly individuals.

In war crime, Israel is still blocking water, electricity to Gaza’s...

Willfully impeding relief supplies is a war crime, as is collectively punishing civilians for the actions of armed groups.

US Used AC-130 Airborne Gunship Equipped with Anti-Personnel Shells in Deadly...

The recent Kunduz hospital slaughter was no mistake: Evidence against the U.S. continues to mount that the attack on a fully operational hospital was a "monstrous war crime." So why the cover up?

Latest US War Crime is the Murderous Destruction of a Hospital...

The best statement President Obama could come up with after the U.S. bombed and destroyed a hospital in Afghanistan, killing innocent civilians and volunteer doctors from Doctors Without Borders, was “We’re sorry”? This is why the rest of the world hates the U.S.

Did Jeb Bush Just Commit a War Crime in Justifying the...

Jeb Bush routinely speaks in a fascist manner about launching an attack on Iran. But with there being no trial for anyone guilty of war crimes or crimes against humanity in the Bush administration, does this mean that the lawless and fascistic tradition will continue?


White House announces 53rd state!

"Mr. President, are there any plans for a 53rd state now that stars for Canada and Gaza have been officially added to the flag?"

Renaming The Gulf of Mexico isn’t a laughing matter but part of a US...

It reflects a disregard for historical truth, an aggressive assertion of U.S. superiority, and the continuation of exploitative colonialist practices that harm both the environment and Latin American people.

Trump administration orders USDA and Forest Service to remove climate change references, suppressing critical...

The systematic erasure of climate change information from government websites threatens scientific transparency, public safety, and environmental policy.

Google abandons AI ethics pledge as Trump pushes for military AI expansion

“Is this as terrifying as it sounds?”

Tesla paid zero federal income tax in 2024 while GOP pushes more corporate tax...

Musk’s trillion-dollar company paid nothing in federal taxes while working Americans foot the bill.