Thursday, September 12, 2024

Tag: wealth distribution

$8.5 trillion untaxed: The urgent call for a billionaire income tax

Recent analysis reveals that America's wealthiest hold $8.5 trillion in untaxed assets, spotlighting the critical need for tax reform to address growing wealth inequality.

New stats, old story: Our rich are raking

From Swiss bank researchers, an alarming update on our global maldistribution of wealth

From the 80s to today, the top 1 percent gain trillions,...

"Between 1989 and 2018, the top 1 percent increased its total net worth by $21 trillion."

Spreading wealth to maintain consumption

What will happen if robots, AI, and automation displace a huge percentage of workers. How will there be enough consumers to buy all the goods and services produced if there is a big drop in earnings?

To Stop Climate Change, Don’t Just Cut Carbon. Redistribute Wealth.

Climate disruption is inextricably linked to economic inequality. Serious climate solutions must be, too.

A Middle-Class Tax Revolt? You Bet!!!

Welfare in the U.S. flows vertically in two directions from a single source—the middle-class. The redistribution of wealth that flows up to the rich is far greater and more concentrated than the wealth that flows down to the poor. This is a major problem.

The ‘iEverything’ and the Redistributional Imperative

The newest business model using new technologies isn't just labor-replacing, it's knowledge-replacing. As the ratio of producers to customers continues to plummet, the profits go to an ever-smaller circle of executives and owner-investors.


Trump, the felon, has been making a complete fool out of the US court...

The political destruction of Trump who, as a candidate for president is the greatest insult to our democracy and our Constitution and to the U.S. court system that has constantly bent to him and given him one free pass after another.

Wyden calls out trillions dodged by ultra-rich, proposes tax reform to fully fund Social...

Democratic senators propose fair tax contributions from the ultra-wealthy as a solution to protect Social Security for future generations, challenging Republican cuts and calling for real revenue reform.

Undebatable: What Harris and Trump could not say about Israel and Gaza

Silence is a blanket that smothers genuine democratic discourse and the outcries of moral voices. Making those voices inaudible is a key goal for the functioning of the warfare state.

Dems say Big Oil execs failing to come clean on Trump’s $1 billion quid...

Nearly four months later, the lawmakers are still awaiting satisfactory answers.

What’s Trump’s escape valve when (or if) he realizes he’s losing? Bluster ...

There could be greater disruption than Jan. 6, but the enormous, co-ordinated might of law and order won’t get ambushed again.