How mind conditioning has created a great silence and passivity in the American society

The American people need to rise up and say, “Enough is enough and we’re not going to take it anymore!”

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Here’s a message from your government: Congratulations to you the people of America for your acquiescence, passiveness, and continued silence; your subservient behavior has been exemplary, it shows that your absolute, unconditional loyalty to your government is still in full force.

That’s not just a contrived cynical observation on my part. What that message really means is that mind conditioning, aka, mind control, an agenda that has been pursued by this government and the national media for some time, has been successful beyond all expectations.

The primary method or vehicle for implementing the process of mind conditioning has been done through the TV networks, newspapers, radio, i.e., the mainstream media.

The last time that Americans rose up all across this country to vent their rage and extreme dissension with regard to what their government was doing was during the latter years of the Vietnam War. Their massive protests and demonstrations were a major factor in bringing an end to that misguided, illegal, and immoral war.

In examining this matter in more depth it’s important to make clear that the primary method or vehicle for implementing the process of mind conditioning has been done through the TV networks, newspapers, radio, i.e., the mainstream media; and in recent times the internet. Without the direct involvement of these means of communication there would be no such thing in America.

Remember how this media twisted the facts to support the Bush administration’s lies about the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? This was an attempt to plant the notion that this war was entirely justifiable into the minds of the American people and it, most certainly, was highly successful.

The media acted as cheerleaders in that war in Iraq as well as the one in Afghanistan, both of which saw many thousands of our troops and innocent civilians die for no justifiable reason. And large parts of this media continued to vigorously support those wars when it became very evident that they both were colossal military mistakes. And far too many Americans believed the propaganda and bought in to the government’s attempted justifications.

Talk about mental conditioning, how about the non-stop extremely pervasive political commercials that flood the airwaves during our elections when hundreds of millions and billions of Corporate America’s dollars are spent to promote specific candidates who have sworn allegiance to that entity.

Has there been any political entity in the history of this nation that has had such a massive impact on our electoral process; one that relentlessly hammers these biased political messages into the American mind?

There are many things happening in America today that should be setting off alarm bells all over this country and awakening the people to the dangers that currently threaten our democracy and our way of life. But the people remain largely silent. It’s like “See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.”

Since 9/11 a constant message of fear has been planted in the American mind; a message that we should be afraid, be very afraid of terror. The more that Americans feel that fear, the more justification this government has for its agenda of endless war. The powers that run the Military-Industrial Complex thrive on this fear since it paves the way for continuous funding of the machinery of war and the ongoing expansion of the worldwide military empire.

Love for our country and love for our government are not the same thing.

The people see the deceitful financial Wall Street manipulators devise one scheme after another to increase profits through various highly questionable financial practices. But they allow themselves to be fleeced by these robber barons and say nothing. They watch as Corporate America destroys the nation’s manufacturing plants along with good paying jobs, and then creates lower level jobs for the minimum wage; and what do the people do? A very large portion of them simply absorbs what’s going on, saying nothing.

Most Americans love their country, a wondrous country indeed. But many of them have been conditioned by this government and the mainstream media to believe that love for our country and our government are one in the same; they are not. When I hear the patriotic song “America the Beautiful” I think of this beautiful country, not the largely polluted and corrupted Congress headquartered in Washington D.C.

There must be a distinct separation between love for our country and respect for our government. It’s up to the government and the politicians who we have elected to earn our respect. We, who live in this country need to follow its laws, support it with our taxes and defend our country when that is an absolute necessity. But the people must not blindly follow the dictates of their government when it becomes evident that what it is doing is far too often not in the best interests of the people.

What is the profile of a typical American who has become mentally conditioned? Here are some of the signs indicating that a person may possess that condition:

It’s a person who has fully accepted, condoned and supported the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the attack on Libya, and the continued use of drones in the nations of Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia; it’s those individuals who feel entirely comfortable with contributing tax dollars to be used for the agenda of endless war.

Use the internet for obtaining news and information by searching out the many respected and objective analysts and investigative reporters who are not controlled by the masters of Corporatism.

And most important it’s those who have bought into almost everything they hear coming from the various TV news outlets and newspapers; that everything is fine in America, that all we need to do is to trust that this government will do what is right for the country and its people.

So, if an individual has been caught up in this conditioning process, how can that person escape from that control and, once again, begin to think independently? Here are some ways:

We must think for ourselves and not allow anyone to plant their personal ideology into our minds. We must use our own intellect to determine what is right for this country and society and learn how to shield our minds from the endless stream of poisonous political claptrap that invades our daily lives.

Use the internet for obtaining news and information by searching out the many respected and objective analysts and investigative reporters who are not controlled by the masters of Corporatism; those who use facts instead of opinion, are still honest and ethical, and will not lower themselves to shill for this government or corporations.

However, in using the internet as a primary source of factual, objective news reporting we must be very careful. The danger is that as the internet grows and expands it could be utilized as a most powerful vehicle for spreading the mental conditioning process.

To prove that this condition exists in America today, just look at how those in control of our current government are hell bent on tearing at the foundations of America.

Silence may sometimes be a virtue in specific situations but when certain elements in this government attempt to run roughshod over our Constitution, to restrict our rights and freedoms, or to violate our privacy, then the time for silence is over. The worst thing that we as Americans can do is to remain silent and passive for that’s the most important prerequisite for becoming a ripe target for mind conditioning.

To prove that this condition exists in America today, just look at how those in control of our current government are hell bent on tearing at the foundations of America; doing away with important regulations on the financial industry or in the business sector, planning to dismantle or water down Americas social safety nets, repealing Obamacare, withdrawing from the critically important Paris Climate Agreement, cancelling auto emission standards; and that’s only a start.

And as this is happening all around the people of this country where is the anger, where is the rage, the refusal to accept what this current government is doing; where are the leaders we desperately need to wake up the American people and tell them that they need to rise up as a body and say “enough is enough and we’re not going to take it anymore?”

And when we wait for the American people to speak out, to strongly dissent, to demand that this government take this county in a new, positive direction, we strain to hear a positive response; but that response, for the most part, comes across as a deafening silence.


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Michael Payne is an independent progressive activist. His writings deal with social, economic, political and foreign policy issues; and especially with the great dangers involved with the proliferation of perpetual war, the associated defense industry, and the massive control that Corporate America holds over this government and our election process; all which are leading this nation down the road to eventual financial ruin if the conditions are not reversed. He is a graduate of Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois and a U.S. Army veteran.