July 12th: Internet-wide day of action to save net neutrality

The FCC wants to destroy net neutrality and give big cable companies control over what we see and do online.


The FCC wants to destroy net neutrality and give big cable companies control over what we see and do online. If they get their way, they’ll allow widespread throttling, blocking, censorship, and extra fees. On July 12th, the Internet will come together to stop them.

What is net neutrality?

Net neutrality is the basic principle that protects our free speech on the Internet. “Title II” of the Communications Act is what provides the legal foundation for net neutrality and prevents Internet Service Providers like Comcast, Verizon, and AT&T from slowing down and blocking websites, or charging apps and sites extra fees to reach an audience (which they then pass along to consumers.)

Why is net neutrality important?

The Internet has thrived precisely because of net neutrality. It’s what makes it so vibrant and innovative – a place for creativity, free expression, and exchange of ideas. Without net neutrality, the Internet will become more like Cable TV, where the content you see is what your provider puts in front of you.

What will happen on July 12th?

Websites, Internet users, and online communities will come together to sound the alarm about the FCC’s attack on net neutrality. We’ll provide tools for everyone to make it super easy for your followers/visitors to take action. From the SOPA blackout to the Internet Slowdown, we’ve shown time and time again that when the Internet comes together, we can stop censorship and corruption. Now, we have to do it again!

Sites: Display an alert

On July 12, sites from across the web will display a prominent alert on their homepage that shows the world what the web will look like without net neutrality. Below are “spinning wheel of death”, “blocked”, and “upgrade” alert modals; plan to use the one that best fits your site to encourage users to send a letter to the FCC and Congress in support of net neutrality. To use these, you just need to embed a bit of javascript in the header of your site. Click here to try them out, and then be sure to grab the code on GitHub.

And don’t worry, none of these will actually block, slow, or paywall your site. But, they will let your users submit a comment to the FCC and Congress without having to leave your platform. They will only show up once and users can click away.

What are sites doing?

Sites can use the resources above, but they can also create a unique message of their own. If you run a site, what’s the best way to get your audience to participate? An prominent? A push notification? Posting on social? Making a video? To get your creative juices flowing, here are a few examples of what some prominent platforms are doing to get the word out:

Discord – An in-app message asking gamers to speak out at battleforthenet.com, social media sharing, and activating their HypeSquad for the big day!

Medium – Prounounced alert and blog about why net neutrality matters.

OkCupid – In-app message to all users asking them to speak out through battleforthenet.com.

Sonic – Adding a site-wide alert, and promoting battleforthenet.com through their blog, email, and social media channels.

Vimeo – Net neutrality explainer video and graphics optimized for every social media channel.

Plays.TV – A site-wide alert GIF asking gamers to contact the FCC and Congress through battleforthenet.com.


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