With Pete Buttigieg, Tom Steyer, and Andrew Yang out of the race, Democratic voters need to choose. Warren is a good candidate, but she’s not going to get the nomination. It’s down to Bernie, Biden, and Bloomberg. And if you’re a true progressive, the choice is Bernie.
Now is the time for a coalition. This is the moment for a Coalition of Progressives. Let us rise up and shout to the politicians: Form a Government! One without the DNC! One that you can make yourselves with us!
Go to the Democratic convention, establish a true Democratic platform borrowing from the platforms of the candidates, and present a Government That We Can Trust!
Bernie for President, Tulsi for Veep, Pete for Defense Secretary, Liz Warren for Treasury Secretary, Robert Reich for Secretary of State, Kamala Harris for Attorney General, Julian Castro for Secretary of Urban Affairs, Tom Steyer for Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources (combination of existing departments, including EPA), Amy Klobuchar for Majority Leader. Put Joe Biden out to pasture, and accept whatever money Mike Bloomberg wants to donate without any obligation to him. If Bernie is the nominee, he should get behind the entire group and bring them into the administration with him.
We are certain that if the candidates focus on a Coalition, they can negotiate so that true power resides in the hands of the people. Tom Steyer wants to establish an annual nationwide vote on important issues, so that nothing important would stall in Congress. This is an excellent idea. We need to go forward with Medicare for All, and stop stumbling around the question of whether there will be private insurers any more. We don’t need private insurers. They just make life miserable for doctors and hospitals and patients.
We need education for all. We need a tax law that no longer favors the rich. None of this is communism, because the government doesn’t own the means of creating food, clothing, housing and industrial equipment. We need to see that we are simply adopting the approach of FDR and the New Deal, and eliminating income inequality without bloodshed.