Thursday, May 2, 2024

Animal Rights Activists Lament India’s Lifting Ban on Bullfighting

The bulls are kept in small enclosures and often given alcohol before they are released and tackled by groups of men.

Farming Frogs Can Save Them From Extinction

Diseases are killing off many of Panama’s frog and salamander species. Are there enough animals left to breed them in captivity?

Why I Faced Arrest, Even as I Battle Cancer, to Fight TPP

"If ratified, the TPP would lock in monopolies for certain new medicines, biological medicines that help people like me stay alive."

20,000 Join Refugees Welcome March Through London

It comes days after the latest death at Britain's border in Calais, of a teenage boy trying to join his family in Britain.

Get the fossil fuels out of climate policymaking

Take action today and sign the petition to create a "precedent-setting treaty mechanism" to get a behemoth industry out of the way. Help us save the planet!

North Korea Confirms its First Hydrogen Nuclear Bomb Test

North Korean government has stated that the 5.1 magnitude quake event was a successful hydrogen nuclear bomb test.

Ban on Life Without Parole Sentences for Kids Expanded by Supreme Court

The ruling will give thousands of people a chance at parole.

The Arctic Turns Ugly

Runaway global warming is exactly like it sounds, an earth-shattering asteroid collision that turns the planet into a fireball.

A Lake Twice the Size of Los Angeles has Evaporated—and It May Never Return

Climate change has contributed to the destruction of Bolivia’s second-largest lake, a refuge for wildlife and the livelihood of hundreds of people.

The International Monsanto Tribunal

It’s time for the citizens of the world to fight back.