Monday, June 17, 2024

How white colonizers set us up for uncontrollable wildfires

"I want us to go humbly to the very people our culture tried to exterminate to listen to what they can teach us. "

Environmental reporting can help protect citizens in emerging democracies

What happens when an illegally logged tree falls or poachers kill endangered brown bears in the forest, but there’s no journalist to report it?

Uprisings: From climate to austerity, autumn protests engulf the world

Solving the climate crisis with ambitious policy programs like Green New Deals might help to alleviate some of the suffering caused by the austerity that is breaking the backs of working people in rich and poor countries alike.

Ceasar: Grief and challenge

The intersection of guns, drugs, poverty, scant education, substandard health care, high unemployment, and corruption are literally producing conditions that invariably redound the hardest and worst on young people of color.

Antebellum America Redux

What is the answer to this problem that has been with our nation since its founding?

The global cry for change

Billions of people throughout the world are desperate for change, for freedom, social justice, greater democracy and environmental action.

Hollow promises of a better life: Modern day slavery

Like many of the issues facing humanity, modern day slavery demands a coordinated consistent approach, cooperation and commitment, nor just among governments, but between nongovernmental organizations, and multinational corporations.

Tell me the truth

So the question is: who do you believe when you need information?

Net neutrality

The biggest loser would be the internet itself, which would be made to surrender its determinedly democratic ethic to the plutocratic rule of corporate profiteers.

The Catonsville nine, 50 years later

"What are your future plans?" "Resistance!"