Saturday, May 18, 2024

Maine becomes latest state to ditch Columbus Day for Indigenous Peoples’ Day

There has been a growing movement to change the name of Columbus Day, which has been a federal holiday since 1934.

Fox’s Brian Kilmeade calls for armed worshipers after California synagogue mass shooting

Kilmeade: "I think you have to go ready to defend yourself, ready to defend the congregation who are going there."

A plaintive plea from America’s rich: Let’s change the subject!

Other candidates, most notably Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, begrudge plenty and have specific proposals for changing the rules that let wealth keep concentrating.

Honoring a victim’s memory on Workers’ Memorial Day

This is about prevention, not condemnation.

Let’s find many ways to share the goods of our society

Ideas can improve society. But they can also be destructive.

Consuming stuff: The polluting world of fashion

The environment and why we can never buy any new clothing ever again!

Here’s how TurboTax just tricked you into paying to file your taxes

Come along as we try to file our taxes for free on TurboTax!

1,000+ arrested as Extinction Rebellion protests in London enter second week

"The world we are leaving for the children and grandchildren is going to be horrendous and we let it happen. It happened on our watch. So we have to stand up and fight or lie down and fight."

Solidarity at the Stop & Shop

The workers of Stop & Shop only took to the picket lines after months of contract negotiations. They are mainly asking for their company not to cut their pensions or have increases their healthcare costs.

Paper or digital, political posters matter as much as ever

“Print is not dead!” Lincoln Cushing exclaims. And digital is not always the ideal alternative – with social media algorithms set up to silo people into comfortable bubbles, these posters might not travel to unlikely audiences.