Saturday, May 18, 2024

TD Bank joins other major financial institutes to commit to ambition climate action plan

The Group's commitment to a global climate action plan makes them the latest major financial institution along with Morgan Stanley and Barclays.

A historic victory for gray wolves in Colorado election

“These are things that signal the fact that all is right ecologically, that wildness has returned.”

Widely used pesticide re-approved by EPA said to harm more than 1,000 endangered plants...

"This alarming assessment leaves no doubt that this hideously dangerous pesticide should be banned in the U.S., just as it is across much of the world."

Shell Oil asked what YOU are willing to do to reduce climate change, enraging...

“I'm willing to hold you accountable for lying about climate change for 30 years when you secretly knew the entire time that fossil fuels emissions would destroy our planet.”

Saving our planet is our responsibility

If, and it’s a large ominous if, humanity is to reverse the damage, education and widespread environmental/social responsibility are essential.

Virginia, Maryland, and North Carolina announce new regional partnership in massive clean offshore wind...

"Coming together regionally also makes the Mid-Atlantic that much more attractive to offshore wind manufacturers to locate here, which in turn creates tens of thousands of jobs in each of our respective states.”

Nuclear power industry given $1.4 billion from Trump administration

Countries should be focusing more on renewable energy to lower emissions instead of focusing on nuclear power.

US Fish and Wildlife Service delists gray wolves from Endangered Species Act

The final rule, which excludes Mexican wolves, will be published in the Federal Register on Nov. 3 and go into effect 60 days later.

Trump approved shipping tar sands by rail to Alaska. The project’s owners are banking...

“The irony of seeing the melting Arctic as a route to get more planet-heating carbon out of the ground is almost too deep and sad for words.”

EPA approves use of herbicides linked to cancer and crop cross contamination

Dicamba, the main ingredient in the three herbicides, is "highly volatile and can easily drift onto unprotected neighboring fields from fields of crops genetically engineered to withstand it."