Friday, July 26, 2024

Unclear federal law allows logging, farming and mining to threaten America’s biodiverse ecosystems

No version of “waters of the U.S.” (WOTUS), part of the Clean Water Act, adequately protects the nation’s natural areas.

Did North Dakota regulators hide an oil and gas industry spill larger than Exxon...

“I am disgusted with how state officials and city council members view these threats and deem it acceptable to potentially harm human health.”

We’re miscalculating the cancer risk from a massive class of chemicals: MIT study

"I think regulators, whether it's in air, soil or sediment, are getting the message … in Europe and the U.S. that you really have to take a much broader look at PAHs in terms of exposure and risk."

What do Louisiana pipeline explosion and Dakota Access pipeline have in common? Phillips 66

Aging pipelines are seen as a major issue that could create catastrophes.

With planet in ‘crisis mode,’ Bernie Sanders rips Trump White House for ‘dangerous’ dismissal...

"You have an administration that virtually does not even recognize the reality of climate change and their policies, working with the fossil fuel industry, are making a bad situation worse."

Activists sue to block plans to bury 3.6 million pounds of nuclear waste near...

Residents are fighting the permit issued by the California Coastal Commission to store the millions of pounds of nuclear waste within 100 feet of the ocean.

Climate law pushes First Solar to invest in domestic renewable energy industry

According to the company, this move is in large part because of the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which President Biden signed into law this month to help combat climate change.

Clean energy spreads nationwide

"This milestone is a victory for everyone who has been forced to breathe polluted air or drink unclean water because they lived near a dirty power plant."

‘Historic’ court ruling will force France to justify its climate targets

The court is now demanding answers from the government.

‘The House is on fire,’ climate strikes come to America March 15

Now the inspiration is coming back across the Atlantic, and European teens will soon be joined by a mobilization of American high school students who will demand action from one of the world’s worst polluters, the United States of America.