Saturday, May 18, 2024

Dakota Access Pipeline begins service the same day Trump announces withdrawal from Paris agreement

This decision is not the first – nor will it likely be the last – from the Trump administration to move the United States backwards in climate action.

USPS announces increase on electric mail truck procurement

The USPS announces it will make 40 percent of its new mail trucks battery electric, up from the agency’s plans for 10 percent earlier this year.

Biden admin reinstates early $190 million in Gulf drilling leases

The consequences of the sale could be the production of 1.1 billion barrels of oil and the probable release of 723 million metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

Europe’s climate time bomb: ocean currents on the brink of catastrophic collapse

A study reveals a more immediate threat to Europe's climate stability than previously thought. Are we on the brink of a chilling change?

Amazon plastic waste increased 29% during pandemic

“We understand people need Amazon. And so we’re hoping Amazon can fix this problem and become a leader in reducing plastic, which is really important for the oceans.”

Money, media and the climate crisis

Most voters are in favor of greater economic equality, and a safe long-term future for their grandchildren. We owe it to future generations to act now!

BMW’s Mini Cars to go all electric by 2030

BMW, a German carmaker, will introduce the last gas model of the Mini range in 2025 and go all-electric by 2030 with...

The US Defense Department is losing the battle against climate change

"None of us have any clue as to how bad it's going to be."

Fossil fuel industry engaging in ‘pervasive fraud’ that threatens global economy, report warns

Warning of an impending financial implosion driven largely by fossil fuel industry deception, a recent report calls on fossil fuel insiders and...

Teenage activists post signs to warn of toxic air in London neighborhoods

"We took action so that lawmakers, decision makers and politicians finally take this climate and air quality crisis seriously, for everyone's sake."