Tuesday, May 7, 2024

The inception of Synthia

How a biotech God gave birth to synthetic life

The year of the Green New Deal

Offering hope for a better future over the rage in vogue on the right, motivating young people to vote and getting more citizens to organize in their communities is how we will win.

‘Fossil fuel companies knew’: Honolulu files lawsuit over climate impacts

Honolulu now joins these communities that are turning to the courts to hold Big Oil accountable.

EPA warns of Mountain Valley Pipeline impact on streams, says project should not receive...

The natural gas pipeline already has hundreds of water quality violations. Opponents are hopeful the EPA’s warning brings the project’s cancelation closer.

Hurricane Dorian: DeSantis & Trump haven’t curbed CO2 emissions & should resign

DeSantis should resign the governorship and just go home.

Feeding a city from the world’s largest rooftop greenhouse

"Our objective at Lufa is to get to the point where we're feeding everyone in the city."

Let’s get arrested with Jane Fonda

“It is unsustainable to continue to believe [in] our system of runaway, unaccountable, lawbreaking pursuit of profit.”

Oil industry ponders getting ‘dragged into low-carbon future’ while claiming it ‘stepped up’ on...

As the DeSmog series Fracking for Plastics notes, Saetre is not alone in his ambition to either burn all the oil and gas or turn it into plastics.

EPA to fund network of centers to help marginalized communities access environmental justice money

“There are communities waiting for (toxic) sites to get cleaned up. They are waiting for infrastructure to be built so their communities don’t flood.”