Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Making Science History

The Koch brothers are buying up museum boards to influence others of their junk climate theories. Isn’t it odd that infamous science-deniers are directing a science museum?

TV Meteorologists Should Say It Loud and Clear: Climate Change Is Here

Climate change is here and it is real. It's time TV Meteorologists state the cold, hard facts: it is a planetary threat and there is plenty we can do about it.

As Its Domestic Foundations Rapidly Erode, the U.S. Pursues World Domination

The United States, originally founded on standards of ethics and morality, is currently on its way to world domination. Unfortunately, American citizens are left feeling helpless and struggling financially and the path U.S. government is taking will make it worse.

Is it Too Late to Save the Planet?

Our planet's ecosystem is under duress and human activity and human behavior as the main culprits. It's time our species stops contributing to the problem and starts becoming the solution.

All Forms of Life Are Sacred

Just because animals are cognitively different from us, why is it people's belief that they have lesser moral value? Using them is the ultimate problem—it does not matter how well we treat them.

Climate Deniers, Like Big Tobacco, Thrive Behind a Smoke Screen of Doubt

Just like the tobacco industry, the fossil-fuel industry is denying the science of climate change and working full speed to derail any progress by marketing its primary product: doubt.

PETA Proposes Shareholder Vote to Return SeaWorld Animals to the Ocean

PETA recently submitted a shareholder resolution to retire SeaWorld’s captive animals as attendance, revenue and stock prices continue to plummet. Will PETA win the shareholder vote?