Friday, May 3, 2024

Inspiring student in France creates environmental app to motivate others to make a difference...

"At the end of the day I know that I've done something good on this day for the planet."

New study names modern pollution a major cause of premature deaths worldwide; US ranks...

"Pollution is an enormous and poorly addressed health problem."

Puerto Rico earthquake worst in more than 100 years

“The people of Puerto Rico are foremost in our minds."

Is the U.S. Fracking boom based on fraud?

Will the biggest innovation of the fracking revolution be making financial fraud a laughing matter?

Jane Goodall: COVID-19 is a product of our unhealthy relationship with animals and the...

Let us recognize that the health of people, animals and the environment are connected. Let us show respect for each other, for the other sentient animals, and for Mother Nature.

Trump’s gift to hunters: You can kill hibernating black bear mothers and their cubs...

In Trump’s latest blow to America’s wildlife, the government wants to allow the worst trophy hunting practices on public lands in Alaska.

Trump: ‘Nobody really knows’ if climate change is real

The Paris agreement, Trump claims, is something he is "studying."

A historic victory for gray wolves in Colorado election

“These are things that signal the fact that all is right ecologically, that wildness has returned.”

California regulators allow oil companies to continue injecting wastewater into more than 1,600 wells...

According to the environmental advocacy group Clean Water Action, the announcement appears to be in violation of DOGGR’s own compliance schedule, which requires all injection well operators that have not obtained an aquifer exemption from the EPA to cease injection by February 15, 2017.

Behind Trump’s push for “American steel” in pipelines, another Russian company with Putin ties...

The definition of “made in America” – and who really benefits from such initiatives – is not so cut and dry.