Sunday, May 5, 2024

Every fraction of a degree of global warming matters

My hope lies with the people fighting for justice and concrete action to limit the rise of the global average temperature.

Mexico’s Standing Rock? Sempra, TransCanada face indigenous pipeline resistance south of border

Mexico is now facing its own Standing Rock-like moment as the Yaqui Tribe challenges Sempra Energy's Agua Prieta pipeline between Arizona and the Mexican state of Senora.

Uranium industry begs Supreme Court to mine next to the Grand Canyon

Environmental groups believe that the ban should not be lifted until sufficient research is done to understand the risks and impacts of potential water contamination.

50+ mayors vow to ‘vigorously resist’ EPA’s Fuel Efficiency rollback

"We strongly urge the auto industry to join us, and to use its influence with the Administration to ensure that these standards remain in place."

Progressive Briefing for Monday, September 17

U.S. Border Patrol supervisor confesses to executing four women, FEMA blames hurricane deaths on spousal abuse, Kavanaugh accused of assault, and more.

Since 2021, Big Oil has spent over $200 million to sabotage climate action: analysis

Climate Power, the group behind the new analysis, said Democrats' new climate deal sends "a strong signal" that "deep pockets only go so far."

Despite climate warnings, coal use reaching record highs in 2022: IEA

“Government policies will be key to ensuring a secure and sustainable path forward.”

Analysis details how Wall Street underwriting quietly funnels billions into fossil fuels

"Underwriting is a huge missing piece of net-zero transition plans, allowing big U.S. banks to continue to help fossil fuel companies raise billions of dollars with limited scrutiny," said one campaigner.

Voter Asks Ben Carson: If You’re So Smart, Why Don’t You Accept Climate Change?

At his town hall meeting in Iowa City, Ben Carson was asked why he does not publicly accept climate change to which Carson replies climate science is “politicized.”

Army Corps Denies Permits for Biggest Proposed Coal Export Terminal in North America

These dirty and dangerous projects will not move forward and we will strive to pursue pathways for justice for all communities as justice was upheld today.