Sunday, June 16, 2024

Let’s make 2018 a better time, not the end of time

We have the capacity for wonders as well as horrors. We have the ability to create as well as to destroy.

After a decade of fracking, billions of dollars lost and a climate in crisis

As the 2020s begin, climate scientists and world experts are warning that—if there ever had been—now, there's no time to spare.

Will 2022 mark the turning point in the climate crisis?

This year the international community might finally be getting serious about climate change.

Leading ‘sustainable’ investment funds backing fossil fuels, research finds

“Lack of regulation makes for a Wild West of sustainable fund management”, Edward Lander from Ethical Consumer said.

Trump appoints pair of climate science deniers to NOAA while climate-fueled fires and storms...

It is therefore worth taking a closer look at the backgrounds of these two individuals questioning mainstream climate science.

Will Obama’s offshore drilling ban be Trumped?

What can a new president and a new congress do?

Do you live in a chemical disaster danger zone?

New map shows 40% of Americans live in constant risk of chemical exposure or explosion. The Trump Administration is trying to roll back protections.

New York state’s pension fund will divest from fossil fuel

This is being hailed as "the most aggressive divestment target set by any U.S. pension fund by a decade."

New bill seeks to ban fracking in California

“Communities that are already struggling with health outcomes — we’re allowing them to be poisoned, and that's just not OK.”

Trump administration says it isn’t anti-science as it seeks to slash EPA science office

The Office of Research and Development has been at the front line of virtually every environmental crisis. Trump wants to cut its funding in half.