Saturday, May 11, 2024

Progressive Briefing for Wednesday, June 27, 2018

28-year-old Democratic Socialist wins the New York primary, the Supreme Court upholds Muslim ban and sides with anti-abortion centers, Occupy ICE protests spread, a federal judge sides with Big Oil, and more.

Trump’s long-delayed pick for science adviser believes in climate change

"Kelvin will be a good science advisor, but so much of what makes an effective science advisor depends not on the person, but on the president and the White House."

Up to 40% of the world’s land is degraded by humans, UN report warns

“In a world of profligate consumerism, global supply chains, and a growing population, land resources—our soil, water, and biodiversity – are rapidly being depleted."

How the environment fared in the midterm elections

Here are some results from notable elections around the country – and what they could mean for the future of the planet.

Michigan Gov. signs bill to keep Line 5 pipeline flowing

"We are deeply disappointed Gov. Snyder approved legislation that will keep oil pumping through the damaged Line 5 Pipeline for another decade or more."

EPA’s plan to regulate chemical contaminants in drinking water is a drop in the...

Political and social factors, as well as pressure from industry, can lead to wide disparities in exposure, with some communities protected and others left vulnerable.

How USDA climate change denial threatens the South

Simply put, the South cannot afford for the USDA to ignore climate change.

A Lake Twice the Size of Los Angeles has Evaporated—and It May Never Return

Climate change has contributed to the destruction of Bolivia’s second-largest lake, a refuge for wildlife and the livelihood of hundreds of people.

Hillary Clinton ‘Dropped Climate Change from Speeches after Bernie Sanders Endorsement’

This is concerning for climate and environment activists as the other candidate in this election, Donald Trump, refuses to acknowledge climate change as real at all.

Colorado River has lost 1.5 billion tons of water to the climate crisis, ‘severe...

"A decline in flows of this magnitude will present a significant challenge to all inhabitants in the Colorado River Basin."