Sunday, June 16, 2024

Wildfires can reduce biodiversity—can biodiversity be used to reduce wildfires?

A biodiversity experiment in Australia showed animal species can help reduce flammable leaf litter by 24 percent.

Progressive Briefing for Friday, October 12

Law students launch nationwide strike against illegitimate justice, Chinese intel officer arrested and charged with economic espionage, Enbridge Pipeline explosion forces First Nations community to flee, and more.

You can help stop climate chaos: 25 ways

Please scroll through these ideas and choose the ones easiest for you and Just Do It. Please. Your children, your grandchildren, and the generations deserve our attention and effort. Now.

Another scary superbug has been found on an American hog farm

Researchers went looking for one type of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, only to find one that had no reason to be there.

‘Guacamole-Thick’ Algae Takes Over Florida’s Atlantic Coast, 4 Counties Declare State of Emergency

For algal blooms in Martin County, Lake Erie and other parts of the country, the primary source of pollution is conventional agriculture.

Russia’s war on Ukraine generates more emissions than 175 countries: $32 billion climate bill...

The first two years of Russia’s invasion resulted in greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to the annual emissions of 175 individual countries, further intensifying the global climate emergency.

Senate bans shark fin trade and addresses forced labor and illegal fishing

The Shark Fin Sales Elimination Act makes it illegal to possess, buy, sell or transport shark fins or any product containing shark fins, except for certain dogfish fins.

Statistic of the decade: The massive deforestation of the Amazon

At the cost of over $2,000 per acre—and that is the cheapest I could find—it isn’t cheap, totaling over $30 billion to replace what the Amazon lost this decade.

The battle for rights of nature heats up in the Great Lakes

“All the studies say we need drastic action. If we think the courts are going to save the plants or the animals they aren’t.”

First major U.S. insurance company to stop insuring and investing in coal

It seems like every day there is a new story of a pipeline spilling crude oil or an oil refinery exploding. How...