Friday, July 26, 2024

NC Lagoons hold billions of gallons of hog feces. The hurricane may blast that...

Even if the storm weakens, experts warn Hurricane Florence could kill thousands of farm animals and trigger catastrophic waste spills from sewage treatment plants, hog waste lagoons and chicken farms.

Family receives $885K settlement after police kill their dog

The city of Hartford agreed to pay an $885,000 settlement to Harris and his daughter for both damages and a decade of legal costs.

Donald Trump’s climate change denial ignites grassroots resistance

The resistance is real, strong and growing, and that cannot be denied.

To save the planet, we need to demilitarize the police

Even with climate disasters all around us, nonviolent environmental demonstrations face fierce police repression. Why?

Freedom to drive coalition brings the Koch disinformation playbook to Colorado

In recent years, the majority of Coloradans have been struggling to breathe clean air, and tailpipe emissions carry much of the blame....

Canadian court slams Trump climate advisor in successful libel case

The case now goes back to the lower court to cover some unresolved issues and, presumably, for an assessment of damages.

Just released docs show Monsanto ‘executives colluding with corrupted EPA officials to manipulate scientific...

Monsanto continues to publicly deny that there are cancer connections to glyphosate or Roundup.

How to talk to your climate denier uncle this Thanksgiving

“Making America great again means denying Chinese hoaxes.”

Colorado River has lost 1.5 billion tons of water to the climate crisis, ‘severe...

"A decline in flows of this magnitude will present a significant challenge to all inhabitants in the Colorado River Basin."

A positive vision for what the Green New Deal could be

The Green New Deal as a concept has arrived. Where it goes from here is up to us.