Saturday, June 15, 2024

India’s top court rules Monsanto can own patents on genetically modified cotton seeds

"Seed ownership by farmers has traditionally been an important agricultural practice, but profit-driven giant Monsanto is making our farmers disempowered and dependent!"

Trump administration to auction off public land in Northern Arizona to dangerous fracking

"This is Trump's energy dominance policy at work, where nothing matters except fossil-fuel interests."

EPA approves the use of bee-killing pesticide on millions of acres

Trump’s EPA gave the okay to the ‘emergency’ use of sulfoxaflor, the bee-killing pesticide, on 13.9 million acres across 11 states. 

‘Our life is plasticized’: New research shows microplastics in our food, water, air

“Now is the time when a world historical revolution would be possible, when the people of the world could unite to change the system as a whole.”

In the water-scarce Southwest, an ancient irrigation system disrupts big agriculture

In New Mexico and Colorado, the “acequia” is more than just democratic water distribution – it is at the center of Southwest culture.

Seeking justice against palm oil firms, victims call out banks behind them

Individuals from Indonesia and Liberia embroiled in land disputes with oil palm plantations have visited the Netherlands to call on the Dutch...

Trump administration attempt to gut NEPA sued by a broad coalition of groups

“What is best for big business and Washington lobbyists is rarely what is best for local communities.”

Exxon may crush bailout hopes for suffering fracking companies

With the current crisis and Exxon and the American Petroleum Institute apparently working against the shale industry, it probably won't be a long wait until shale is just a bunch of “ghosts or zombies.”

EPA expected to extend use of bee-killing pesticides

“These insecticides are not helping the productivity of crops on fields — it seems an amazing effort to blanket all these acres with something that doesn’t have a return on investment."