Monday, April 29, 2024

Doesn’t the forever Scoundrel-in-chief expose Trumpism as rank, deviant criminality?

The main “freedom” sought by this scam freedom fighter (and lackeys) is to commit more crimes.

Telling the ‘untold’ stories of Palestinian lives, dreams, and hopes—in Gaza and beyond

The media collective Untold Palestine gathers the stories mainstream media doesn’t tell about Palestinians—videos, photographs, and written accounts from Palestinian people about their culture and daily life.

Supreme Court faces critical decision on homelessness: The battle over public sleeping laws in...

As the Supreme Court scrutinizes the criminalization of homelessness, liberal justices challenge the constitutionality of punishing the essential human act of sleeping, highlighting the plight of affected families and children.

An urgent plea to leftists in the 6 battleground states likely to decide the...

If we want to remain a country where we still have the ability to agitate for justice and equality, then it’s incumbent on us to vote with that in mind.

The Fourth Amendment is Not for Sale Act and the battle against government spying

The FANFSA, passed with a 219-199 vote, garnered support from both sides of the aisle, with 96 Democrats and 123 Republicans backing the bill.

Supreme urgency tests Trump’s claim to immunity amid election countdown

Legal experts and democracy advocates push for a swift Supreme Court decision on Trump’s immunity claims, highlighting potential consequences for presidential accountability.

Readers didn’t give up on local news. Corporations did.

It’s not that people have given up on local news, but that corporate-owned papers did.

Progressive International unveils database exposing global right-wing network threatening democracies

This database, which results from a year of meticulous research, exposes the mechanisms through which these forces erode democratic norms and foster geopolitical instability.

20 percent of common produce carry unhealthy levels of pesticides new report says

Of the 59 common produce items evaluated, popular produce like strawberries, green beans and potatoes posed the highest risks.

Writing as Resistance

Doomed writers buried their accounts of the Warsaw ghetto in the hope that they could teach whoever unearthed the documents about good, evil, indifference and the importance of the truth as an act of resistance. They have left us a trove of papers on how to construct a life of meaning.