Monday, April 29, 2024

Biden administration announces new plan to cancel student debt

The new plan is an effort to fulfill a promise that President Biden made as a candidate in 2020.

Green New Deal XXIII: Fixing our broken food system means ending corporate power

We need to rethink how we grow our food in a biodiversity-friendly way that mitigates rather than accelerates the climate breakdown.

10 times as much of this toxic pesticide could end up on your tomatoes...

Did the chemical industry helped fashion EPA’s testing strategy?

US diplomacy thwarts Palestinian UN membership amid claims of supporting statehood leaked cable shows

This diplomatic maneuvering seeks to avoid a U.S. veto, which would publicly align the country against Palestinian self-determination.

UK sets new standard as renewables outpace fossil fuels in power generation

For the first time, wind energy leads the charge in the UK's power grid, marking a pivotal shift towards cleaner, sustainable electricity amid global environmental concerns.

The case against RFK Jr.

Would RFK Junior be just another crackpot in the growing pool of fringe politicians?

Coal Dust Responsible for Thousands of Deaths in the E.U.

Not only does burning coal cost companies and governments billions of pounds in disease treatment and lost working days, but it is proven to be the cause of thousands of deaths.

Will the Freedom Flotilla sail to Gaza?

Hundreds of international activists wait to set sail from Istanbul to Gaza with 5,500 tons of desperately needed humanitarian aid.

Missouri Republican Attorney General Bailey sues Media Matters using consumer law to censor the...

An analysis of Mo. Attorney General Andrew Bailey's bogus allegations against Media Matters.

Doesn’t the forever Scoundrel-in-chief expose Trumpism as rank, deviant criminality?

The main “freedom” sought by this scam freedom fighter (and lackeys) is to commit more crimes.