Thursday, May 23, 2024

Victory: Trump administration back down withdraws proposal to restrict protest

This victory shows once again that if we unite and act in solidarity we can win.

Medicare launches first-ever drug price negotiations with pharmaceutical giants

"We are moving ahead to help people in spite of pharma's efforts to block negotiation in the courts."

Rising child fatalities in Gaza amid starvation and medical shortages

Amidst the rubble of conflict, Gaza's youngest bear the brunt of an escalating humanitarian crisis, with malnutrition and lack of medical aid claiming innocent lives.

UK accuses Russian spies of implementing nerve agent attack

"...I can today tell the House that, based on a body of intelligence, the Government has concluded that the two individuals named by the police and CPS are officers from the Russian military intelligence service..."

The Painful Facts, State-by-State: How We’re Victimized by Corporate State Tax Avoidance

Corporate data from numerous sources recently revealed state-by-state corporate tax avoidance. As a result, greed and corruption is hurting education and infrastructure across America.

After Paris, Imagine the Children of Syria

The recent attacks on Paris are terrible, but is indiscriminate retaliation only fueling the flames of terrorism?

Former city commissioner charged with murder runs from reporters on video

While being released from jail on bond, Dunn was confronted Thursday night by several journalists waiting for his release.

Big oil clouded the science on extreme weather. Now it faces a reckoning

A collection of evidence reveals the industry’s efforts to deny the link between extreme weather and climate change.

Manafort pleads guilty to conspiracy against U.S. and obstructing justice

Manafort also admitted guilt in 10 outstanding counts previously filed in the Eastern District of Virginia.

Deadly shadows: new study reveals over 460,000 U.S. deaths linked to coal pollution since...

New study reveals coal pollution's dire impact on U.S. public health, with over 460,000 deaths in two decades.