Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Whistleblower Says EPA Officials Covered Up Toxic Fracking Methane Emissions for Years

An environmental watchdog claims the EPA is involved in a cover-up holding back information about the oil and gas industry.

The State Convention Gambit: How Sanders Lost Delegates in Minnesota

“Sanders and his surrogates have made it clear that his hopes for the nomination depend primarily upon Superdelegates abandoning Clinton and voting for him to make up his deficit of pledged delegates.”

Trump, Like Citizen Kane, Will ‘Get More Than One Lesson.’ Voters Need Only One.

Since Trump the winner thinks his crass, fire-at-whatever-moves belligerence works, why change? Like every bully, lying he’s only a “counter-puncher,” this gutter fighter will start more battles than a horny mountain goat in the rutting season. That will reveal more about Donald to more people than whatever Democrats manage. And since Trump per one pundit preys on the “Republican Id,” there will be “lessons” aplenty for the stunned centrist electorate.

Dangerously Coherent: Hillary Clinton and Washington’s Foreign Policy Bubble

It will be up to the American people to push Hillary Clinton if she’s elected to realize this promise and not damage it with yet more intervention and military violence.

First Commercial Crop of GMO Arctic Apples About to Hit Market

Following intense consumer backlash, a number of major food companies such as Wendy’s, McDonald’s and Gerber expressed that they had no plans to source or sell the GMO apple.

Winning by Destroying: Trump and Gingrich

If governing is not undertaken correctly and respectfully, the entire system we rely on is weakened.

Did the Press Take Down Bernie Sanders?

The rebellious nature of the Vermont senator's presidential bid didn't fit the mainstream media's predetermined scenario.

Dear Bernie,

A letter to Bernie Sanders: Run as a Green candidate in the general election. You can win, either outright, or by getting the most electoral votes and forcing Hillary to decide to either hand you her electors or give the decision to a Republican-run House of Representatives.

Senate Democrats Introduce We The People Act Seeking to Reverse Citizens United

“We all have a right to know who’s behind the microphone.”

Jill Stein to Bernie Sanders: Run on the Green Party Ticket

Stein joins Democracy Now! from Albany ahead of this weekend’s New York Green Party convention.